Day 23: Backend implementation with Firebase Part3 (React Native)
Today as you already know is day 23 out of 30 days of my #ReactNativeIn30Days series. I will say the journey has been good so far. In today’s post, I will briefly talk about the progress made as far as the business logic for the backend is concerned.
Current Status
I was able to resolve the issue with firestore which I stated in yesterday’s post. Now, I’m able to retrieve data from firebase and render it in the app. (Basically perform CRUD stuff).
Also, the functionality for adding to or deducting from the total amount saved is now working.
Surprisingly, I did not face any problems or challenges in implementing what I was supposed to complete today.
Wrap up:
In today’s post, I talked about the status of the backend as far as functionality is concerned.
Github Repo: