Day 20: Backend Logic (React Native)
It’s already day 20 of my #ReactNativeIn30Days series. Today, I continue to build the functionality of the expense tracker app as a way of applying the knowledge gained so far.
Let me say that things have not been smooth as you might expect since I started with this project. Most at times, I’m faced with challenges especially errors that prevent me from achieving my set targets. But all in all, it has been a good experience so far.
Today, I moved away from the frontend to focus on the backend logic using firebase. Even though I have implemented authentication already using firebase which allows users to sign up or log in, there was no way to keep additional user information.
To solve this issue, I created a Firestore user collection that stores additional information about the user after a successful registration using firebase’s authentication method createUserWithEmailAndPassword()
Wrap up:
In today’s post, I started work on the backend functionality using firebase
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