PinnedPublished inFirebase DevelopersPublish a Production-ready React Native App to Firebase App Distribution Using FastlaneLearn how to automate shipping builds to testers and beta users using fastlaneMay 16, 2021May 16, 2021
How to Set Up Mock Service Worker With ReactMock Service Worker (MSW) helps frontend developers simulate API responses without needing a real backend.Mar 3Mar 3
Variable Fonts in CSSI recently came across CSS Variable fonts, and I find them interesting. In this blog article, we will look at what they are, their…Feb 5, 2024Feb 5, 2024
Git Submodules | An IntroductionI wanted to create a GitHub repository that contains other repositories. The main goal was to organize projects based on topics, type, etc…Jan 29, 2024Jan 29, 2024
Find broken navigation links using CypressSeeing a 404 not found page when visiting a website as a user isn’t just frustrating and unpleasant but also an indication not to return to…Jan 22, 20241Jan 22, 20241
Vitest with React Testing Library In React(created with Vite)Vitest is a replacer for the Jest testing library, especially for projects(in our case, React) created with Vite. Previously, React…Jan 15, 20246Jan 15, 20246
Setup Redux in your NextJs Application(with Typescript)Redux is a global state management javascript library for managing and centralizing an application state.Oct 25, 20221Oct 25, 20221
Setting up Google Analytics in your NextJs projectAnalytics is a way to gather metrics about your business in an eye-opening experience. Knowing where your users come from, events users…Jul 27, 20221Jul 27, 20221
Setting up Cypress in your NextJs project.Cypress is a frontend testing tool built for the modern web that allows a developer to set up, write, run, and debug tests.Jul 13, 2022Jul 13, 2022
Setting up Eslint, Prettier, and Husky in your NextJs projectIn this article, we take a look at how to ensure that proper code formatting and linting rules are enforced be code is committed.Jul 6, 20221Jul 6, 20221